Sunday, August 30, 2009

Story Graphics Process

In the past i have used very little of the ideas presented by Prof. Babcock about Story Graphics. I have used brain storming techniques, but certainly not to the extent to which we are practicing them in class. However this does not mean that they are foreign ideas to me or that I don't find them helpful. I have actually enjoyed trying this process and really in the context in which Mr. Babcock presented it, it makes perfect sense for our field of study. Heres a little about my understanding of the process from my own experience and interpretation.

Subject Text List-Making lists is something I am very good at. I tend to function better on having a schedule and keeping track of my thoughts. So...even though I haven't necessarily used this tool in my design process, I find it very easy to adapt to. Making a list of ideas helps to give someone a bank from which to take certain ideas even further. It also helps to eliminate ideas that don't contribute greatly to a designers overall purpose.

Signifier Text List- This step is the one I have the most personal experience with. I used this concept for projects in both Drawing I and Design I. It is helpful for taking themes from the previous step to the next level in the design process. It is also the step in which ideas are mentally connected with objects or other ideas to represent them visually in the next step.

Image Thumnails-Mmmm Hmmm. I have lots of experience with thumbnail sketches. Initially when I was younger I would draw thumbnail sketches of ideas in my church bulletins. In high school, we were required to draw lots of thumbnail sketches before beginning projects. Then In college I was able to realize the importance of thumbnail sketches to rule out bad ideas and highlight good ones. Also I now see the value of having used thumbnail sketches from an early age.

Scan for Opportunities- At this point, while looking at an accumulation of sketches, I would personally be drawn to objects that would make sense together, as I tend to be a realistic person (not always :)) However, I see how it might be a good idea for me to get out of that habit to allow for surprising opportunities for design experience. At the same time, I might also choose to do more with objects or ideas that I am more personally attached to. This might be a habit I need to work on.

Redraw as Combinations- This step is new to me, and I have no real experience with taking random objects and finding a way to put them together. Usually I have preconcieved ideas of what object would work the best together. However, so far I have had fun trying this idea out and thinking about how to simplify combined objects down to make them more effective.

1 comment:

  1. Great post! Text lists - we often have more going on in our heads than we realize. It is a good way to get ideas out quickly. Thumbnail sketches also end up being viewed by clients so that you don't go down the wrong path with their money. I am glad you are learning.
